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English translation for "reliability engineering"


Related Translations:
message reliability:  消息可靠性
reliability physics:  可靠性物理
basic reliability:  基本可靠性
design reliability:  设计可靠性
communication reliability:  通信可靠度
interpreter reliability:  解释者间信度
reliability sampling:  可靠性抽样
flow reliability:  流程可靠性
forecasting reliability:  预测的可靠性
reliability mathematics:  可靠性数学
Example Sentences:
1.Comment on reliability engineering in weapon system
2.Michael r . lyu , handbook of software reliability engineering , computing mc grawhill , new york , 1996
何国伟主编软件可靠性,国防工业出版社, 1998 。
3.Know well about reliability engineering and apply yourself to learn and develop in this field
4.This study combined the knowledge of controlling and reliability engineering and presented a hybrid analytical approach
5.With the weapon ' s development , the quality and reliability engineering technologies and management modes were expanded and updated continually
6.Accelerated life testing ( alt ) is an important branch in reliability testing and is a focus of research both for statisticians and reliability engineers
7.With the help of practical experience , the software of computer aided design ( cad ) on the srm structural reliability engineering has been worked out
8.Antony , j . , multi - response optimization in industrial experiments using taguchi ' s quality loss function and principal component analysis . quality and reliability engineering international , 16 , 3 - 8 , 2000
徐立章,电浆电弧焊参数最佳化之研究-田口方法与类神经网路之应用,义守大学管理科学研究所硕士论文, 1999 。
9.Reliability test is an important part of reliability engineering . due to the non - standardization of most of components in pcs , it is necessary to test and evaluate candidate components to ensure the reliability of pcs as a whole
10.Applying the reliability engineering method , the author makes relatively comprehensive analysis of the electric dynamometers and their control system , and also makes a few point of view and proposals for improving the product quality
Similar Words:
"reliability determination test" English translation, "reliability deviation" English translation, "reliability diagram" English translation, "reliability distribution function" English translation, "reliability engineer" English translation, "reliability engineering institute" English translation, "reliability estimate" English translation, "reliability estimation" English translation, "reliability evaluation" English translation, "reliability evaluation of power systems" English translation